Eva Elisabetha |
Gestorbene 1833 Im Jahre Christi achtzehnhun- |
Died persons 1833
In the year of Christ, 18th January 1833
at night
twelve o'clock Eva Elisabetha, born Sauer, had died
wife of the second husband Stephan(!) Brenner,
because of age weakness, 80 years, 4 months old
and was buried on next noon at 11 o'clock in presence
of her friends and neighbours, in particular her sons
Adam and Georg Doersam, which signed this log
with me the minister.
2nd marriage of Eva Elisabetha Sauer with Stephan Brenner
(1796) 24 ta Aprilis post trinam proclamationem inthronizati sunt |
Am 24. April (1796) wurden nach dreifacher Ausrufung getraut
der ehrenwerte Witwer Stephan Brenner hiesiger Bürger und Eva
Elisabeth Dörsam, ehrenhafte Witwe aus dem Dorf. Zeugen waren
Valentin Zinck und Peter Ballmann, hiesige Bürger.
Getraut von P(ater) Hyacinthus Stamm, Zeit-Pfarrer.
In 1796 April 24th after triple proclamation the honorable widower
and local citizen Stephan Brenner was married with the honorable
widow of this village Eva Elisabeth Dörsam.
Witnesses were the local citizens Valentin Zinck and Peter Ballmann.
Married by Pater Hyacinthus Stamm, temporary Priest.
details of Sauer ancestry
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